Dieses Mal wurden alle Aufnahmen vor dem Start gemacht. Die Frauen sind nicht alle so jung, wie man es bei den Festivalaufnahmen erwarten würde, bei denen viel Alkohol konsumiert wird. Aber fast alle sind in sehr guter Form.
Run 0017 is a good addition to the series. First pussy shot around 3 minutes in, the girl's holding a banana which for some reason turns me on :p They have a nice new camera angle facing some bushes which has the girls lining up in frontal view from 3:50 to around 6:20, one of my favorite scenarios :) They're getting so good with the angles while walking and getting pussy shots from 7:00 to around 8:42. The rest of the video is pure gold featuring 2 scenes of girls squatting side by side in frontal view. Peeing-Outdoors keeps evolving!
Honestly one of the worst movies from the "Run" series, number 16 and 18 are miles better that this one. There are just a handful of scenes filmed in HD, the rest is "potato quality" footage, where you can't even see the pussies in close-up in a decent definition, like at 8:53. Most of the girls unfortunately make average sized pisses, my favorite one is at 2:22 when a nice blonde makes a big puddle behind a rock filmed form the side. Not worth the money for just 10 minutes of mid scenes
Most of the girls unfortunately make average sized pisses, my favorite one is at 2:22 when a nice blonde makes a big puddle behind a rock filmed form the side.
Not worth the money for just 10 minutes of mid scenes